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« No Need to “Over Share” – Thoughts on Information Sharing | Main | Where Possible … Avoid Consumer Surprise »

February 23, 2006


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Albert P

Your views on responsible innovation in the context of human rights resonated profoundly with mine. I had been bothered to no end by the current developments in entity analytics ever since I was aware of the capabilities provided by certain technologies. I had been involved (some 8-9 years ago) in such early technologies and I decided to stay away from developing such "beasts" that tend to put too much power in the hands of hard-to-restrain-people-in-power. I lived in a communist country in my youth and I know the fear of not having any privacy. I hope brilliant people like you will develop such technologies with great respect for human rights. It would be very sad to hear about another case of technology misuse as was the case with the Hollerith punch-card sorting machine...

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