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July 30, 2007


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Very good post

"if it bleeds it leads"
But also, both political parties play the fear card.

We might/will be attacked, the other party is incompetent, or appeasers. You'll loose your job / house (another tact) ... vote for me.

Now we have "Global Warming" as another threat.

Dating myself, I grew up with the Nuke threat, and remember the Cuban Crisis, it was worse then (as far as we knew)

As for the other side, I just picked up John Robb's "Brave New War"

Keep up the good work

Douglas Schwartz

Wow, even if periodic nuclear bombs go off, we are still safer today than back in the 1300's. I never thought of it that way. I am going to start using that argument when people complain about how crazy the world is gettting. GREAT POST!!!

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