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June 11, 2008


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>> With this point of view, when politicians accuse each other of “flip-flopping,” I always laugh to myself. As it is the person who refuses to change his/her point of view – despite ANY and ALL new evidence presented – that scares me the most.

Yup, I agree and so do most people of > average intelligence... it is feedback, learning and adapting. Yet, those not so smart are now convinced that changing your mind is a bad thing... and therefore the flip-flop meme works.

Remember, these days you only have to sway < 5% of the voting population to get the slimmest of majorities. Even if you sway them with pure nonsense, you are ahead -- one vote from a dummy is as good as one vote from a genius.

James Taylor

Interesting post Jeff. I liked the way you differentiated smart systems, not least because it was nicely different from what Neil and I meant by Smart (Enough) Systems in our book. While there is a lot to be gained in the long run through our development of smart systems, in the meantime we could make our existing "dumb" systems smart (enough) to be useful. The technology exists, as does the approach.

James Taylor
Author, with Neil Raden, of Smart (Enough) Systems

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