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« Hacking the 2008 UK Ironman: Kick to Kill | Main | The Dissenting Numerati »

November 17, 2008


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Patrick Mueller

Have you seen the LHC live webcam? Kinda boring, but it's cool that they have them on the web ...


I know you are being a bit glib, but remember that part of the reason no one would have given you good odds on the current financial mess was because most of the players involved did not make the information necessary to deduce the problem available to outsiders. If physicists kept their work secret and did not share their results then fears regarding LHC would be more justifiable, but this is not the case; the facts from past experiments and current theories (both mainstream and fringe) are available to all to examine and noodle with on their own. Most of us don't have the toolkit necessary to do this work, but I feel a lot better knowing that those who do are able to work with a large body of knowledge that is open and available for peer review.

Imagine how much better the financial situation would have worked out if the same processes could be applied in that case...

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