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« Ironman Australia, 2009 – Misplaced Delusions of Grandeur | Main | Data Finds Data »

June 09, 2009


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Excellent points, well told! I enjoyed that, Jeff.

Ian Story

I fully enjoyed this post as well, maybe because I have experienced the same creepy ads on Facebook, and worse, on OTHER sites that use my Facebook friends and post their pictures in ads that I see...nonsense like "your friend Mike [here's a pic of him] wants to challenge you in some stupid game". Very interesting, yet scary enough to make one reconsider what "applications" you use on Facebook and what access you give them to your profile.

I have actually gone through and removed apps and some information as a result of this (although to Jeff's point of abandoned emails, how do you know that when you remove information from your profile it is truly removed from Facebook, let alone from whatever rogue apps once had access to your profile and pilfered said information).

Off topic, but worth mentioning, if you're using Firefox for your internet surfing (and if you aren't, you are just asking for trouble if you're using IE instead), you can install Flashblock and Adblock (extensions for Firefox) that will block all annoying flash ads, and most other ads, respectively...not only is it less irritating to use Facebook then, but you don't waste bandwidth downloading those files.

Great post!


Jeff Carr

Great post, Jeff. I just pointed to it on Twitter.

Your point about channel consolidation and Facebook underscores my concerns about violations of OPSEC on social software by gov employees who are potential targets in adversarial collection efforts.

Arturo Servin

Have you tried Friendfeed?

It aggregates your online data such as twitter, blogs, shared bookmarks, "digged" histories, youtube videos, Flickr photos, news shared in Google reader, etc. I think that this data from a users can tell a lot of things about them.

Sydney Snow

Great post! I could totally relate. I get crazy relevant ads on Facebook all the time! I didn't know how they were getting my information but it's really creepy and scary sometimes. This post made me laugh. I really enojyed it.

jayron soares

Interesting mix of ideas and point view, pointing to a mechanism insidious already done.

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