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March 06, 2010


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Rama Ramakrishnan

Jeff: Provocative and interesting post.

Couldn't agree more about data-savvy being an increasingly important driver of business wins and losses.

But I do believe that batch systems have a role to play and will continue to be important for a long time. On the "analytic journey", if real-time analytic systems are equivalent to "running", batch analytic systems are equivalent to "walking". And most firms out there are still "crawling".

Leapfrogging from crawling to running will be impossible for them and batch analytic systems will be a reasonable halfway house.

Loved the traffic analogy and the ad!

Clay Robinson

Jeff, real-time is essential. But to forecast what is going to be happening, we need to match real-time to historic activity.

A casino loosing $250,000 is a travesty (in their mind), unless they also have history to match with real-time data that says certain types of folks that win get cocky and don't know when to walk away from the table and then "give" $500,000 back to the casino in the next 15 minutes.

The winners will be those who can tie real time to history.

Thanks for a great blog!


Great ad for a powerful notion.

Also, you look like a rock star! You should consider updating your blog photo with a still of you about to cross the road...


Very impacting video as usual. I wonder what it will take government to see the imperative that the casino sees.

torrent download

The winners will be those who can tie real time to history.

Bob Patterson

Jeff - I would add that real time information is of two types - the obvious, more transactional data and the "connections" amongst thoughts, facts, impressions that are a result of reflection on that data. We can have all the data and fancy algorithms we want, but success is a function, IMO, of our ability to put the puzzle together based on our experience. In my business, one can also see how different cultures often come to different conclusions based on the same data. So algorithms based on the Anglo Saxon cognitive model may not "compute" for an Islamic model. Such differences can, again IMO, have significant and often detrimental effects on the outcomes.

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